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Processed Foods: Good or Bad?


Processed foods are found just about everywhere. And it is easy to get confused about which foods are processed and which are not. After all, they are somehow addicting, more flavorful and we want quick—we want fast, whatever it is—these days. But the question is: are processed foods good for us—and your kidney?

Chronic Kidney Disease: Cooked or Raw Foods?

Eating well

Eating well when you have kidney disease will help you to stay as healthy and strong as possible. Including the rightkinds and amounts of foods each day suggested for healthy eating can help your kidneys to work more easily and keep you well for a longer time.

Stress, CKD, and How You Can Deal With Both

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Everybody has something to worry about at whatever point in his or her life. Whether it be the state of their finances, work, family, or love life. And with worry comes stress.

On the Rocks: How Alcohol Fits in Your Renal Diet

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One of the most damaging habits a person could develop is alcohol addiction.
Don’t get us wrong, alcohol is not all bad. Studies have indicated that alcohol can actually help prevent heart diseases when drank in small amounts

Watch Out, These Foods Add to Your Daily Fluid Limit!

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Any food item in liquid form, especially at room temperature, adds to your fluid intake. These fluids include:

Great Renal Dessert Options for Your Kidney Disease

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Who doesn't love desserts?
They're the most perfect way to end a full-course meal. Desserts are also a really common way to cool down, when the summers are hot. 

Renal Diet Liquids: Drinks for CKD Patients

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It is often a person on dialysis who's told to limit their fluid intake. This is to prevent the dialysis machine from extracting too little or too much fluid from your bloodstream and causing an imbalance to the amount of fluid in your body.

Low Potassium Food List for Your Renal Diet

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Potassium is an important part of a person's health. However, a CKD patient like you may need to cut down on this nutrient.

Comprehensive Good Foods List for Your Kidneys


A lot of you have been asking, “What are the foods I should eat?” And so, due to insistent public demand, here is our big renal diet food list for CKD patients. Enjoy!

Here's Why Baking Soda is Good for Your CKD...

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Now we've found that there is a food item that, apparently, can help slow down kidney decline even further. And it might be sitting there right in your pantry at this very moment.
