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Phosphorus: How to Keep It in Check

For example, sodium helps the body regulate its fluids. Protein, on the other hand, mainly builds our muscles, tissues, and organs. And potassium adds to the functions of the two, helping muscle-building and fluid regulation.
Renal Diet Food Swaps for Your Nutrient Limits

Often, the reason for seeking out food substitutes is when we have adverse reactions to common food items.
For example, people who are lactose intolerant look for milk substitutes. Often, soy milk is a recommended food item for them.
4 Must-Avoid Carbs on Your Renal Diet

It's no question that when you need more energy for your daily activities, especially when you live actively, you'll need starchy foods (usually called carbs).
7 Non-Fattening Foods for Your Renal Diet

A lot of the common food options can add considerable amounts to your weight. Add to that the fact that you’re also suffering from CKD, and the excess amounts of sodium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus (SPPP) will most likely exacerbate your condition.
How to Limit Your Sodium with Renal Dieting

In more simple terms, table salt. It’s a staple part of any home’s kitchen. It doubles as a preservative and seasoning for dishes, drawing out and enhancing the flavor of food.
Protein Limits for Renal Diet and Dialysis Patients

Protein - a significant nutrient for your body's development, especially for muscle and tissue building.
Here's How to Portion Your Food on a Renal Diet

One thing you need to learn, in the case of renal diet nutrition, is to portion your food. Finding the right size of food servings for you will greatly help in regulating the amount of nutrients and wastes your kidney filters.
10 Common Habits You May Have that Damage Kidney Function

I am willing to bet that all of us, at some point, worked so hard on something in order to avoid the chances of failure.
5 Fast Food Options for CKD Patients

That's the sad truth about people nowadays; almost everyone is in a hurry that people tend to choose fast food service than healthier food.
5 Essential but "Dangerous" Nutrients You Should Avoid to Save Your Beanbags

Dialysis is one agonizing procedure you never want to experience. The physical pain, the financial strain, and the psychological burden it entails will make you wish you could turn back time and see what you could have done differently.
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