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Why 21,835+ CKD patients used this Kidney Diet Food List Guide since 2017...
Are you over 50+ and diagnosed with chronic kidney disease?
Do you feel overwhelmed by the conflicting dietary information available online?
Are you looking for a simple, evidence-based approach to manage your kidney health created by nephrology experts?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this food guide perfect for you!
Here's What You Get With Kidney Diet Food Reference Guide:

Easy To Follow Guide on What To Eat & Avoid for CKD
A clear understanding of which foods support your kidney health and which ones to avoid.

100+ Delicious, Easy-to-Prepare Kidney Healthy Recipes
Each recipe is designed to be kidney-friendly with nutritional breakdowns and complete explanation.

Protein, Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus Food List
A personalized diet plan tailored to your specific kidney condition.
But above all else...
you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are taking the right steps to support your kidney health and avoid dialysis.
Every Single Day.
Here's some of the Hundreds of 60+ cKD Stages 3-4 patients said:

My GFR improved from 36-57 in the last 3 months while losing 33 pounds. And my blood pressure is now averaging 110/70 without any help from dietitians yet. Thank you!
Deborah M
Vancouver, Canada

KPP is a god-send! I have now gone back to stage 2! I feel grateful to have found such a wonderful program, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life.
Mary M
Atlanta, Georgia

This is a time saver! My GFR rose from 28 to 36 in just 4 months and my creatinine dropped from 2.3 to 1.9. I've learned a lot and I was able to apply all the lessons in my small business.
Richard D
Orange County, California
Plus! These Bonuses Will Get Rid Of All Food Confusions Once And For All...
Frequently Asked Questions By 60+ CKD Stage 3-5 Patients:
While results vary, many students have successfully delayed or avoided dialysis by following the KPP guidelines. Our program provides the tools and knowledge you need to make dietary and lifestyle changes that support your kidney health.
No special equipment is needed, and all recipes use common ingredients found in most grocery stores. We focus on making the diet accessible and easy to follow with everyday ingredients.
Our course is designed to be adaptable. Please consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it meets your specific needs. We provide guidance that can be tailored to various health conditions in consultation with your doctor.
Yes, the program includes comprehensive guidance for individuals at all stages of kidney disease. Additionally, we offer a Bonus Course: 4 Week Kidney Decide Course specifically for those in the later stages of kidney disease to help them make informed decisions about their treatment options.
Due to the nature of the course, we do not offer any guarantees as each one is different. We also do not offer refunds as the services and products are availed immediately.

" I went to my MD today and found that I increased my GFR from 25 to 41 and i am now back to stage 3 from stage 4. I am ecstatic! My doctor asked how I did it and I told her about KPP program. I gave your number and website Dr Monica Robins as she wants to educate her kidney patients through KPP as well. Thanks again!"
Jennifer T, Sacramento California
Meet the Co-founder of RenalTracker
Dear Future RenalTracker Member,
Our team of Nephrologists, Kidney Researchers, Renal Dietitians and Content Team created this guide because I know firsthand the challenges and fears that come with managing CKD.
The conflicting dietary advice, the fear of dialysis, and the overwhelming task of managing their health were daunting.
I knew there had to be a better way.
This guide is not just about preventing dialysis; it’s about giving you the tools and support you need to live your best life.
Wishing you the best in kidney health,