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Learn How to Quit Smoking for Your Kidney's Sake

Learn How to Quit Smoking for Your Kidneys’ Sake

“Government warning: cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.”Not a new thing to hear over the radio or the television. Smoking is bad. Smoking does kill. What people don’t understand, though, is this: once a person has started this habit, it’ll take a long time and a whole lot of willpower to get rid of

CKD Evolution: The Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

6CKD Evolution: The Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

The human body’s kidneys aren’t usually paid much attention to. Most people think that the only function of our “bean-shaped bags” is to filter the assortment of waste products and excess nutrients from the bloodstream – separating these materials into urine, and then passing them out of the body.Understand this, though: the kidneys do more than
